Reading as much poetry as I do I can’t help but notice the lack of introductions in contemporary poetry books. When you consider how many of today’s poets teach for a living its odd that there aren’t 3 to 4 pages of background on the poets in their given collections. Of course I’m not saying all but definitely most. I suppose a first collection might not have an introduction but a second or third should. (If a poet is so lucky as to publish multiple books but still I wouldn’t mind seeing an introduction in a first offering.)
What school of poetry informs their poetic choices? Which poet most shaped their poetic identity or provided inspiration? What poet do they hate or strongly disagree with? What do they think about smoking in public? Don’t we readers require something?
I find introductions to be a great way for aspiring poets and writers to search within themselves for their own literary aesthetic by learning from the poet in their hand. For example, I read that Paul Celan was a practitioner of “absolute poetry” or true poetry, a school of thought rampant in France after Mallarme. Mallarme believed in the absolute manipulation of everything associated with the work to arrive at that truth. Truth and more truth but like his contemporaries Celan would not allow that doctrine to compromise his truth in experience. Most of his experience involved death and war. His muse was clear, the truth and purity of his poems came from those terrible experiences. Celan wouldn’t compromise that element of his work. That’s such a wonderful thing to know about a poet. To know how he navigated the popular movements of the day and kept to his style.
An introduction I read on Rene Char discussed his absolute commitment to the mystery of poetry. Char didn’t believe a poem should be spelled out for the reader and he was “radically opposed to limits”. He was also the type to rock the boat, “The person who comes into the world to disturb nothing is worth neither consideration nor patience”. Well, I know where he stands. This is missing in today’s books of poetry. These introductions that tell us so much, that help us to distinguish poets and find out a bit more about what we like.
William Carlos Williams is one of my favorite poets. He might be the last poet to actually be fanatical about the art of poetry. I know that he disliked TS Eliot's 'high' verse, which, though I can’t decipher most times, I still enjoy. Williams questioned everything that wasn’t direct or clear. He pissed people off and sometimes even made enemies. I wonder if today’s poetry is purposely skirting the danger. Where is the danger? Why aren’t these poets rocking the boat?
Several articles are floating around the internet pitting the MFA literary organ against the non-MFA literary organ. These articles allude to the ‘art of playing it safe’ that is being ingrained in today’s writers and poets and that they are being kept in line. This uniformity is supposed to bring jobs and “opportunities” etc. Is that it? Are today’s poets playing it safe so they don’t piss of any potential suitors? I suppose I can’t blame them. There was a time, believe it or not, where you could be a writer/poet and not work. Poets, many moons ago, survived on bread crusts and cheap wine. They got by on help from friends, parents and the meager sales of their work. A poet’s life was one of poverty but for the most part they managed to survive. Today’s world is very different. No one, especially not poets can survive for long under the same circumstances in today’s world.
But does it have to be that way? Aren’t the same institutions that allegedly control the minds of our writer/poets supposed to be full of rebels like Williams, Char, Celan, and Ginsberg? I suppose we are left to wonder.
I for one am curious about the schools of poetry today’s poets are members of. I don’t mean boxed terms like urban poetry, gay poetry, spoken word poetry, social or conscious poetry etc. Let’s talk Modernist, Dadaist, Beat and down the line. These are still relevant. The industrial machine has been born again as the technology age. Globalization is another word for internationalism isn’t it? Do the same stigmas apply? Why aren’t we writing about it?
I guess in the end we are always left with more questions and most importantly more discussions to be had.
The renewed anger and resulting protests of Tony Hoagland’s poem “The Change” was refreshing. The poem sucked but it got people talking about race and questioning themselves on many levels. That takes balls. It takes extremes doesn’t it, to shake us out of our comfort zones? Hmm.
I (almost) completely disagree with you (though I will say I do not like Tony Hoagland's poems)--I think "schools" and "theories" and "groups" and "philosophies" often hide the actual fact of the poetry itself. Too often I have read (or heard) poets (or artists and/ or filmmakers and/ or designers) pontificate on their influences and theories and schools and identifications ad nauseam but...but...but I just want to say, "Shut up and just show me the poem" (painting, film, design etc.)--I think theories on poets should come from the theorists--for a poet to be hemmed in by their theories is to find a poet pretty much limited by her/ his self-definition. I have no idea what kind of controversy Tony Hoagland stirred up but...I have no interest in knowing--not because I'm not interested in controversy: I'm just not interested in Tony Hoagland (because of his poems)(I did read that poem just now, by the way, and I can see how it violates political correctness etc. but if that's what it means to "take balls".... (I thought it was pretty shallow)(and dumb)(and cute)(in an ugly way)
ReplyDeleteIn addition, whatever you wrote about Paul Celan may very well be true but I read him differently. I always say or think or believe he was trying to make the German language "new," to find an essence beyond what it was (is), to purify it, if possible, from its grotesque, horrific history. I think he regretted it. I don't know if that's true and I have no interest in arguing about it because it's his poems I love (and, as with all arguments, if I really wanted to, I could prove it by making an effort to elevate my simple "feeling" into philosophy since it's all only conceptualization anyway. Celan is probably my "favorite' poet (and probably not for the reasons mentioned in any statement of philosophy or intention)--and what school of poetry is Tony Hoagland in anyway?
And when was it that poets never made a living? Celan taught, Williams was a doctor etc.
And I don't think globalization is another name for internationalism. I think it's the opposite.
It's awfully late and I may regret this tomorrow but I'll press send...and I thank you for your interesting article.
Thank you for providing the other side of my argument. Of all the disciplines Art, whether it be visual or literary, can be the most pretentious. I too enjoy just being shown the poem but I also want to engage the poet. For better or worse artists/writers have disciplines and ideologies that make their poem or work of art unique. Preferably, these ideas are railing against some established and boring status quo. More than anything we should all be students of the history of our arts because as we know: the old becomes new again. I agree with you, let's not talk about Hoagland anymore. His barbarous little poem has seen enough daylight. As for Celan I concede that every editor or translator that writes an introduction will highlight some different aspect of a poet etc. I find that an even bigger reason to have introductions. Hopefully as fans of Celan or any other artist we can round out the picture. There is much to be gleaned from the poets work of course but also from their history/ideas etc.
ReplyDeleteI Google'd the differences between Internationalism and Globalization and Wikipedia has them listed this way. What do you think? Six in one hand, a half dozen in the other? In my opinion, the difference is 20th century vs 21st century jargon.
Internationalism is a political movement which advocates a greater economic and political cooperation among nations for the theoretical benefit of all.
Globalization refers to the increasing unification of the world's economic order through reduction of such barriers to international trade as tariffs, export fees, and import quotas. The goal is to increase material wealth, goods, and services through an international division of labor.
I want to thank you again for commenting it's fun to disagree.